Day 19: Pain Prohibits Progress or does it? Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

I didn’t sleep well last night. My painful wrist kept me awake. Frustration leaked from my body, along with the sweat from both pain and humidity, not only because I thought I would endure another day of discomfort but also because it meant, yet again, I wouldn’t write Making Decisions Part 2 Day 17: Making Decisions. Part 1

If I allowed it, this feeling would have consumed me. Filled me with self-pity. Poor me. Why me? Just when I had recovered from yet another surgery, the pain was back to prohibit my progress. I can’t type. I can’t keep up with my challenge

Instead, I adopted the approach given by Clint Eastwood as Sergeant Thomas Highway in Heartbreak Ridge (a great movie).

Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

I wanted to post something in my blog. The pain was too much.


Yesterday and today, I have used previous blogs relating to pain. 

Today’s: Pain ends relationships and lives


Modifying my current blog posts enabled me to provide content without writing it there and then.


I achieved my goal for today in a completely different way than I had planned. Guess what? That’s okay. Plans change. Roll with the waves. As long as you get there in the end, does it really matter what path you took?

Have a great day. If you would like to join me on this journey, please like, subscribe and comment.

Thanks, Liz

For anyone reading my posts who has a story in them, they are struggling to tell. I would recommend getting Anne Lamott’s book ‘Bird by Bird’. It has inspired me to create this challenge and is full of great knowledge and insight. She also has a wonderful sense of humour and writing style.

If you would like to buy ‘Bird by Bird’, please use my Amazon associate link: